I'm back
It's a Saturday and it's good to be finally back!
Practically speaking I almost took a year off to sort out all IRL matters (studies and job), and now I can finally donate some time to writing without feeling guilty. And it has been quite a ride.
Remember, your mind is a fragile thing. Make sure to give it rest.
Now that I'm back, I still don't know what to write about. I'll probably just go back to the basics and write about stuff which I find interesting in my daily tech life. I also intend to read a lot henceforth; both academically and non-academically.
Regarding writing, I think I'll immediately write about the following topics
- Setting up scratchpad in i3 with sxhkd
- A small tutorial regarding
. I have been using it extensively this last year and it has really grown on me.
To the me who has been hiding for a long time due to IRL resposibilities, welcome back!